I'm a tenure-track assistant professor at the University of Houston, a Carnegie-designated Tier One institution, where I direct the Liberal Studies program and oversee around 200 students. I teach theories of knowledge and truth, as well as ethics. In recent years, I was a lecturer at the University of Vienna (2019) and the Institute Vienna Circle (2015, 2017), an academic visitor at the University of Oxford (2016, 2017), and a visiting professor at the Universities of Insubria (2024) and Bergamo (2015, 2022) in Italy.
My research interests lie in epistemology and philosophy of mathematics but also involve ethics and metaethics. I've primarily published on issues of analytic Kantianism and Rickert's abstract objects and normativity. Noteworthy is also my inquiry into evil. Here is my CV.
Since 2024, I’ve been co-organizing the Reconstructing Carnap webinar series affiliated with the University of Florence. In 2023, I also initiated the Ethics and Normativity Seminar Series at the University of Houston, which I currently lead with Luis Oliveira and Robert Tierney.
In June 2025, I'll deliver the 7th Arthur Pap-Lecture at the Institute Vienna Circle of the University of Vienna.
Invited speaker for the thirteenth annual conference of the Society for the Study of the History of Analytical Philosophy (SSHAP) at the University of Jena, July 23-6.